The Added Benefits of Painting Your Home Exterior

Painting your home a brand-new color can be extremely satisfying—particularly if you have lived in the home for a long time. However, there are more benefits to a coat of paint than simply aesthetics. This new coat of paint can make your home appear newer, and also has other practical benefits.

Energy Efficiency

One factor you may not have considered is how your home’s paint job impacts your energy costs. It makes sense when you look at it from a scientific viewpoint. Warm areas such as Arizona or Georgia do better with lighter paint colors. Dark blues, blacks, and browns attract more sunlight to your home, making it warmer inside.

If you want to keep your energy bill down, repaint your home in a lighter color. Light gray and white homes are becoming increasingly popular. You can also strategically use darker colors to your advantage. By adding dark solar panels to your home, you can cut energy costs even more.

Keep Away Pests

While the end result of the paint job certainly has its benefits, the painting process can point out areas where your home is susceptible to pests. Not many projects will have you circle around your home’s perimeter, which enables you to fill in any small cracks or holes that an unwanted critter might sneak into.

Sealing cracks in your window frames and siding can keep pests from invading your home. It can also point out if there are cracks in your foundation. This will help you be able to monitor these areas from within your home. Never underestimate the added value a paint job can add to your home’s protection.

Improves its Market Value

If you are moving soon, you may want to invest in a paint job to increase your home’s market value. Your home’s paint might look old, and new paint might be able to shave off a few years from what it appears. This is also one of the cheaper ways to improve your home aside from common renovations.

Most realtors will recommend certain paint colors to boost the home’s value. These depend on current market trends, so be sure to keep yourself up to date on what people are looking for. This may also guarantee your home will sell even quicker.

Your home’s paint job can transform and improve your home in multiple ways. Keep an open mind to different paint colors—specifically if you are trying to sell your home. Before you know it, your house will have a brand-new look.

Does your home’s exterior need a face lift? We can paint it! Contact us to get a free estimate!