3 Ways That Vacations Makes Us Better House Painters

We love painting, but we love vacations even more! We love vacations because they give us inspirational painting ideas. When you step away from the daily grind of life and give yourself a break, you gain perspective. Plus, you experience new things, relax, and have some fun. All of this translates into new ideas for what you love to do, and for us, that is house painting. In that light, we thought we would share some ways vacations inspire us to come up with new ideas for house painting and how it may inspire you as well in your painting endeavors.

First, let’s agree on one point: vacations are important. We advocate that anyone take some sort of vacation, whether it is a day trip or a week-long cruise. According to Psychology Today, “Vacations have the potential to break into the stress cycle. We emerge from a successful vacation feeling ready to take on the world again. We gain perspective on our problems, get to relax with our families and friends, and get a break from our usual routines.” Breaking the stress cycle can help to avoid illness and mental issues. You deserve a break and to be well, so take a vacation. With that said, let’s look at how vacations inspire us.

Crystallize Our Thoughts

When we take a vacation, we allow ourselves to put those pressing worries and thoughts about our projects on our mind’s back burner while we melt into the vacation. What happens with those thoughts is they eventually crystallize into solid ideas and we gain mental clarity. For example, we may be unsure about starting a new venture, and we allow ourselves to put the notion in the background while we vacation. When we come back from vacation, we have a clearer idea of what to do. If you cannot calm your worrying while away to let this happen, read seven ways to do so here.

Gain an Appreciation for What Matters

When we are not house painting and we are relaxing, we often gain renewed insight into what matters. For us, passion, quality, and people matter most. Oftentimes, we can get caught up in deadlines and the minutiae of business. Taking a vacation allows us to rediscover our passion, focus on quality, and focus on the people we love interacting with. We think this is one of the best reasons to vacation. It helps you rediscover who you are and what your priorities are.

Gain Inspiration from Our Location

In real estate, you often hear how important location is. The same is true for house painting. Location can determine type of paint used, patterns, color, and so much more. But, the location that inspires us most is the one we vacation in. We find new local and cultural things that may provide inspiration for new ideas. We see different houses, old and new, that make us go ‘wow’. We find ways to get inspired and bring that back to our work.

The next time you go on vacation, just remember how good it is for your well-being, then imagine how exciting it might be to discover something new. Let thoughts form and gain inspiration for your next house painting project. Call us today to learn more about how vacationing makes us better house painters.