How to Touch Up Your Home’s Exterior

Your home is more than a place you live: It’s a statement about who you are as a family and how you view yourself as part of a community. In addition to being deeply personal, taking care of your home’s exterior is also financially important, and making even minor home improvements can increase your home’s value. To that end, here are three easy ways to touch up your home’s exterior. 

Touch Up the Paint

Touching up the paint around your home is a minor change that makes a big difference. This doesn’t have to be an entirely new paint job. It can be something as simple as touching up spots where the paint has chipped or faded, going over your windows or shutters or adding an accent to the edge of your home. The nice thing about this job is you can do it on your own with minimal expertise and investment in painting equipment. However, if your home was built before 1978, make sure to test the paint for lead before starting any work. Alternatively, you can hire Jaworski Painting to take care of everything for you. 

Clean the Windows

You may not even notice how dirty your windows are on the outside, but unless you’ve cleaned them recently, you might be floored at just how filthy they can get. Fortunately, cleaning them can be as simple as getting a ladder, some rags and a good cleaning solution. You can even make your own DIY window cleaner. Remember to clean both the interior and exterior of windows to make the biggest impact.

Fix Cracks in the Driveway

Repairing a driveway can get a bit technical. You have to know what your driveway is made of and the best way to do the repairs, such as filling in cracks and holes. Most driveways are made of asphalt. A crumbling driveway is probably beyond repair. If your driveway has gotten to the point of needing a replacement, make sure you pick the best type of asphalt. A good contractor is usually your best bet to fix a crumbling driveway. Ask friends for recommendations, and don’t just hire the first person you call. Get bids, and see if you can negotiate a lower price.

When it comes to touching up the exterior of your home, you’d be amazed at what a big difference a small touch-up can make. These three items are just the start, but they can make a huge impact when it comes to beautifying the exterior of your house.