Does Staging Really Make a Difference?

Making a truly favorable first impression is vital to selling your home efficiently and for an amount close to your asking price. Issues like curb appeal and staging are primary considerations when you contemplate putting your residence on the market. As you prepare to put your home up for sale you need to determine whether staging the property is worth the time, effort, and cost.

The Cost

In many ways, the ultimate objective of home staging is to assist a prospective buyer to see a residence as their own. With this in mind, accomplishing that objective without breaking the bank in the process definitely is doable. For example, an affordable, effective staging tactic you can employ is applying a fresh coat of paint to the interior of your home. Indeed, you can up curb appeal by painting the exterior of your residence as well. There are a number of factors that dictate the ultimate cost of staging. Key among them is whether you stage on your own or hire a professional.

The Benefit

When comparing a staged versus an unstaged home, 81% of buyers said they found it easier to imagine owning the staged home. In other words, through proper staging, a prospective buyer is better able to visualize a particular property as his or her home. With suitable staging, your home will have a distinct edge over the competition.

Minimalism Matters

Go minimalist. Live by the phrase “own less, live more.” Have the right amount of furniture for the space in your room, but don’t overcrowd the area. Often, we put more into a room than the space can really support. Try to get down to the most efficient amount of furniture to make a room look lived in and attractive. You don’t want your home to look sterile and bare. On the other hand, you don’t want a cluttered, confused scene either. Clean and neat are the operative principles you should strive for.

By undertaking a reasonably priced, generally simplistic course of staging, you’ll place your residence in the best possible position to sell more quickly and at or perhaps even more than your asking price. You can accomplish these objectives by keeping a focus on staging as an endeavor to allow prospective buyers the ability to better visualize your home as their own.