9 Ways to Beautify Your Back Yard

Don’t you just love the privacy and peacefulness you get when spending time in your own backyard on a gorgeous, sunny day? Have you thought about maybe adding some features that will make your favorite area even more beautiful? Here are nine ideas that can turn your quiet backyard into your own personal outdoor oasis.

Retractable Awning

An outdoor awning creates an attractive, shaded area whenever you need it. The beauty of retractable awnings is that they can be rolled up at the touch of a button, whenever you feel the need to have it closed. A good-quality awning will be built to last and only need a seasonal cleaning, and some maintenance on the mechanics from time to time. Retractable awnings range from $2,000 to $5,000, on average, depending mainly on the size.


Pergolas are ideal for creating semi-covered patio areas for entertaining or just relaxing and enjoying a cool breeze. They not only look amazing, but they will also add to the value of your property. The only real downside is that they won’t protect you from a sudden downpour.

Easy to maintain, the wood can either be sealed and stained, or it can be sealed and painted. Pergolas will last for many years, as long as the wood is retreated as needed. A standard-sized pergola, about 10 square feet, can cost as little as a few thousand dollars, depending on the style and type of wood used. High-end, larger pergolas can cost several thousand dollars.


Pathways add beauty, depth, and functionality to your backyard landscaping. You have many different options for materials that can be used to create intricate walking paths, with stone being one of the most popular. Landscaping supply companies often recommend natural stone as a beautiful addition to backyards that can be used to form unique pathways.

Depending on how they’re made, pathways are almost maintenance free.  You may need to do a little weeding here and there, along with an occasional power washing, but they’ll last practically forever. You can expect to pay anywhere from $10 per square foot to well over $20 per square foot for more expensive materials on average. It’s worth it in the long run to invest in better materials to prevent cracking or other premature damage.


You have an almost endless selection to either enclose your property, section off a certain area, or just use as a decorative addition to your landscaping.  Fences require very little maintenance, depending on what type of material they are made of. Wood would need the most maintenance, but that would only be an occasional resealing, staining, or painting. Prices for fencing can range from a low of around $3 per linear foot to well over $15 on average, based on the material you want to use.


Whether you are planting flowers or growing vegetables, gardens are a great way to add natural beauty and color to your backyard landscaping.  This means you will also get to have fresh flowers on hand as well as home-grown vegetables and herbs to enjoy. Maintaining a garden is fairly painless, as long as you stay on top of it. You’ll probably want to take some precautions regarding pests and other creatures that could be attracted to what you are growing.

Gardens are also very inexpensive. How much you spend really depends on both what you plan to grow and how big the garden area is. You could also think about decorative enclosures around your garden areas to further enhance your backyard design.


By planting trees, you’re adding beauty to your backyard, and you’re helping out the environment at the same time. After planting, the tree will need a lot of water. Once it gets established, it will require very little maintenance, maybe needing some branches trimmed every so often. Trees are also very inexpensive, especially if you plant them when they are young. You can easily have a small tree planted for less than a couple hundred dollars on average.


Climbing vines can be used to add color and texture to your backyard setting.  They look amazing on pergolas, climbing walls, or on fences. You can choose vines that are shades of vibrant green. Additionally, some vines will flower during certain times of the year. Vines take care of themselves as well. They can grow quickly, so you may find yourself trimming them often to keep them where you want them. They’re also very inexpensive, costing just a few dollars depending on the plant.

Fire Pit

Fire pits are great for those cool evenings, and can even be used for cooking outdoors.  You can buy fire pits already constructed, or you can have one professionally designed and built. There’s really no maintenance involved; you just need to keep it clean and empty any ash or soot as it accumulates. You can find pre-constructed fire pits for less than $200 on average, although some go for much more.  The cost typically depends on size, design, fuel type, and what it’s made of.


A swimming pool is the ultimate addition to any backyard oasis.  Not only are they beautiful, but they are great fun, and ideal for getting some good, clean exercise.  Be forewarned, though, your home may become a very popular hangout if you add a pool. Pools do need a little maintenance to keep them sparkling and safe. Once you get the hang of it, it’s fairly simple and painless to maintain. You can expect to pay anywhere from around $5,000 for an above ground pool, and $20,000 or more for an in-ground pool.

These are just a few ideas that you can incorporate into your backyard to make it even more of an enjoyable area for you, your family, and your friends.  It’s all about creating an area where you can be comfortable and relax, enjoying all of the splendor that Mother Nature has to offer. So, take a good look at your yard, think about what would make you happy, and go for it!

Let Jaworski Painting help you with your landscaping efforts by giving your home a fresh coat of paint!