What to Do After Your Home Sustains Expensive Damage

Dealing with expensive damage to your home can be a stressful and overwhelming experience. Whether it’s due to a natural disaster, a fire, or any other unfortunate event, knowing how to navigate the situation can make a significant difference.

Use Your Savings

If you have savings set aside for emergencies, this is the time to utilize them. Using your savings to cover the costs of repairs or restoration can provide immediate relief and allow you to address the damage promptly. Evaluate your savings account and determine how much you can comfortably allocate towards the repairs. While it may be disheartening to see your savings diminish, investing in the restoration of your home is essential for its long-term value and your peace of mind. Consider putting the remaining funds in a high-interest savings account to ensure you are able to replenish your savings.  Another option is to open or increase the limit on your existing lines of credit, such as a home equity line of credit (HELOC) or other loan product. This allows you to access funds quickly without having to dip into your current balance and allows you to pay off the loan over a longer period of time.

File an Insurance Claim

One of the most common and practical ways to address expensive damage to your home is by filing an insurance claim. Homeowners’ insurance policies typically cover a range of damages, including those caused by fire, severe weather, and accidents. Contact your insurance provider as soon as possible to report the damage and initiate the claims process. By filing an insurance claim, you can have the cost covered after your deductible. Ensure that you have all the necessary documentation and evidence of the damage, such as photographs and receipts for repairs or replacements. The insurance company will send an adjuster to assess the extent of the damage and determine the coverage amount. Be prepared for some back-and-forth negotiation with the insurance company, as they may try to minimize the payout. Review your policy thoroughly and advocate for fair compensation to ensure you receive the funds needed to restore your home.

Borrow Against Your Home Equity

If the damage to your home is extensive and your savings are insufficient to cover the costs, you may consider borrowing against your home equity. Home equity is the difference between the current value of your property and the amount you owe on your mortgage. Depending on your financial situation and the available equity, you may be able to secure a home equity loan or line of credit. Borrowing against your home equity allows you to access funds based on the value of your property. These loans typically offer competitive interest rates and longer repayment terms, providing you with more flexibility. Keep in mind that borrowing against your home puts your property at risk. If you fail to repay the loan, you could face foreclosure. Before deciding on this option, carefully evaluate your financial capabilities and consult with a financial advisor to understand the potential risks and benefits. Consider factors such as interest rates, repayment terms, and the impact on your overall financial well-being.

Expensive damage to your home can be a challenging situation to navigate. Assess your financial resources, explore available options, and make informed decisions that align with your financial goals. Remember to consult with professionals when necessary to ensure you make the best choices for your unique circumstances.

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How to Change the Floor Plan of Your Home

Your home should be a reflection of your lifestyle and needs. If you find that your current floor plan no longer suits your preferences, you might consider making changes to create a more functional and enjoyable living space.  Here are a few tips to help you change the floor plan of your home.

Add a Room

Adding a room to your home can provide valuable additional space and enhance its functionality. Whether you need an extra bedroom, a home office, or a playroom for your children, expanding your floor plan is an effective solution. Before adding a room, consider the available space in your home and identify areas where an extension can be accommodated. Consult with an architect or a contractor to assess the feasibility of your plan and ensure compliance with building codes and regulations. During the planning phase, carefully consider the purpose of the new room and how it will integrate with the existing layout. Determine the size, layout, and design elements that will best meet your needs. Work closely with professionals to create detailed architectural drawings and obtain any necessary permits.

Knock Down a Wall

Removing a wall can completely transform the layout and flow of your home. This option is particularly appealing for those who desire an open-concept living space or wish to combine smaller rooms into a larger, more spacious area. Before knocking down a wall, it’s important to consult with a structural engineer or a qualified contractor. Some walls cannot be removed because they provide critical support for your home. A professional will assess the structural integrity of the wall and determine if it can be safely removed or if alternative measures, such as installing support beams, are necessary. If the wall is non-structural, obtain any required permits and ensure the proper disconnection of electrical, plumbing, or HVAC systems that may run through the wall. Consider the impact on flooring, ceiling, and wall finishes, and plan for repairs or modifications accordingly.

Build Outdoor Space

Expanding your living space beyond the confines of your home can be accomplished by building outdoor areas such as decks or screened-in porches. These additions provide an opportunity to enjoy nature, entertain guests, and relax in a comfortable outdoor environment. When planning to build outdoor space, consider your available yard space, local building codes, and any homeowner association regulations that may apply. Determine the size and design of the outdoor area based on your preferences and functional requirements. Work with a contractor or designer to create detailed plans and select suitable materials for the construction. Pay attention to factors such as durability, weather resistance, and maintenance requirements when choosing materials for your outdoor space. Properly integrating the new outdoor area with your home’s existing architecture and design will ensure a cohesive and visually appealing result.

Changing the floor plan of your home requires careful planning, consultation with professionals, and adherence to building regulations. By approaching these projects with a clear vision, engaging the necessary expertise, and obtaining the required permits, you can successfully change the floor plan of your home and create a living space that truly suits your needs and lifestyle.

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How to Make a New Construction Home More Green

Building a new construction home gives you the opportunity to create a space that not only meets your needs but also contributes to a greener and more sustainable future. By incorporating eco-friendly practices and materials into your construction plans, you can make a significant impact on the environment. Here are three essential ways to make a new construction home more green.

Use Recycled Materials

One of the key ways to reduce the environmental impact of your new construction home is by using recycled materials. Incorporating recycled materials not only helps reduce waste but also saves valuable resources. When building your home, consider using recycled materials for various components, such as roofing, insulation, flooring, and countertops. Recycled steel, for instance, can be used for structural support, offering a durable and eco-friendly alternative. Reclaimed wood from old barns or buildings can be repurposed for flooring or decorative elements, adding character and sustainability to your home. By opting for recycled materials, you can minimize the demand for new resources and contribute to a more sustainable construction industry.

Build it Smaller

When designing your new construction home, consider building it smaller to reduce your environmental footprint. Larger homes consume far more resources which show up on higher utility bills. By constructing a smaller, more efficient space, you can reduce energy consumption and conserve valuable resources. A smaller home requires less energy for heating and cooling, resulting in lower energy bills and reduced greenhouse gas emissions. Emphasize functional design and optimize the use of space to ensure that every square foot serves a purpose. This approach not only benefits the environment but also promotes a simpler and more sustainable lifestyle.

Build According to LEED Standards

Another effective way to make your new construction home greener is to build it according to LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) standards. LEED is a globally recognized certification program that focuses on sustainable building practices and environmental performance. Designing your home according to LEED standards involves incorporating features that minimize energy consumption, promote water efficiency, and enhance indoor environmental quality. This can include the installation of energy-efficient appliances, high-performance windows, and low-flow fixtures. Incorporating renewable energy sources such as solar panels can further reduce your carbon footprint. LEED-certified homes are not only environmentally friendly but also offer benefits such as improved air quality, reduced maintenance costs, and increased resale value. By aiming for LEED certification, you can ensure that your new construction home meets rigorous sustainability standards and makes a positive impact on the environment.

Building a new construction home provides an opportunity to create a space that is not only comfortable and functional but also environmentally friendly. By incorporating recycled materials, building smaller, and adhering to LEED standards, you can make your home more green and contribute to a sustainable future. These practices not only benefit the environment but also result in cost savings and improved quality of life. So, if you’re embarking on a new construction project, consider these eco-friendly approaches to build a greener home for yourself and future generations to come.

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What Your Home Should Look Like in Retirement

As you approach retirement, your home becomes a sanctuary where you can relax and enjoy your newfound freedom. It’s important to consider the features that will make your living space comfortable and accommodating for the years ahead. We will discuss what your home should look like in retirement, focusing on accessibility features, size, and outdoor space.

Accessibility Features

When it comes to your retirement home, accessibility should be a top priority. As we age, mobility can become a challenge, and it’s crucial to ensure that your living environment is safe and easy to navigate. There are several accessibility features that you should consider incorporating into your home. Consider installing ramps or lifts to provide easy access to all areas of your home, including entrances and different levels. This will eliminate the need for stairs, which can become difficult to manage as you get older. Wider doorways and hallways can accommodate mobility aids such as wheelchairs or walkers. Bathrooms should also be designed with accessibility in mind. Installing grab bars near the toilet and in the shower can provide stability and prevent accidents. A curbless shower with a built-in seat and handheld showerhead can make bathing safer and more convenient.


As you transition into retirement, downsizing to a smaller home may be a wise decision. With your children grown and possibly living on their own, you’ll likely have much less need for extra space. A smaller home can be easier to maintain, both physically and financially. You’ll have much less appetite for repairs when you’re older, so a smaller home may be a better fit. Consider the number of bedrooms and bathrooms you truly need, and think about whether you can comfortably navigate the space as you age. A smaller home can also allow you to free up equity and allocate your resources toward other aspects of retirement.

Outdoor Space

Having outdoor space to enjoy is an essential aspect of your retirement home. After years of hard work, you deserve a peaceful and relaxing environment where you can spend time outdoors. A well-designed outdoor space can become an extension of your living area and provide opportunities for recreation and leisure. Consider creating a comfortable seating area where you can relax and unwind. This can be a cozy patio or a screened porch that allows you to enjoy the fresh air while being protected from insects. If you have a green thumb, you might want to incorporate a small garden where you can tend to plants and grow your favorite flowers or vegetables. If you enjoy entertaining or spending time with family and friends, having a spacious outdoor area can provide the perfect backdrop for social gatherings. Whether it’s a barbecue area, a fire pit, or a swimming pool, think about the activities that bring you joy and design your outdoor space accordingly.

Your retirement home should be a place of comfort and convenience, tailored to your changing needs and preferences. Incorporating accessibility features, downsizing to a more manageable size, and creating an enjoyable outdoor space will ensure that your home meets your requirements as you embark on this new chapter of life. Take the time to plan and design your retirement home carefully, and you’ll be able to enjoy a peaceful and fulfilling retirement in a space that truly feels like home.

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Factors That Are Outside Your Control as a Property Owner

Owning a property often feels like holding the keys to your kingdom, a space you can mold and manage as you see fit. Yet, there exist factors beyond your sphere of influence that can impact your property ownership experience. The unseen forces of market movements, natural disasters, and building codes all play crucial roles in your property’s journey.

Market Movements

Property ownership is akin to boarding the roller coaster of real estate market fluctuations, a ride characterized by peaks and troughs that are beyond your control. These market movements, driven by supply and demand dynamics, economic indicators, and interest rates, among other factors, significantly impact property values. While you can enhance your property’s appeal with strategic upgrades or meticulous maintenance, the market value will still dance to the tunes of the broader real estate market trends.

Natural Disasters

Florida’s sunny climate and beautiful beaches come with a less welcome guest: the possibility of natural disasters. Despite your best efforts to maintain a property, natural disasters can cause serious damage. Hurricanes, floods, or lightning storms can batter buildings, sometimes causing significant structural damage. While you can prepare for these events with appropriate insurance and protective measures, the occurrence and impact of these disasters remain largely outside your control.

Building Codes

Building codes represent a set of rules that dictate what you can and cannot do with your property. From the height of your fence to the color of your exterior paint, these regulations aim to maintain a certain standard and harmony within a community. Changes to these codes can occur without your input, requiring you to adapt your property to comply. A planned renovation may need to be revised, or a freshly painted exterior might need a color change to conform with new guidelines.

Being a property owner is a rewarding journey that comes with its set of challenges. Recognizing factors beyond your control—market movements, natural disasters, and building codes—can help you navigate these complexities with more clarity. Remember, the beauty of home ownership lies in how you respond to these challenges and adapt to ensure your property remains a cherished asset. Your ability to maintain your property, keep it updated, and adjust to changing circumstances is your greatest asset as a property owner. We do hope that you found value in this post! 

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Will Remodeling Increase the Value of Your Property?

As a homeowner, you may be wondering if remodeling your property will increase its value. While some remodels can certainly increase your property value, it’s important to consider the local market conditions and the limits of what a remodel can achieve. We will explore the remodels that can increase property value, the limits of remodels, and how to make a decision on whether to remodel.

Remodels That Can Increase Property Value

Some remodels can significantly increase your property value, making them a worthwhile investment. One of the most effective remodels is updating your kitchen. A modern, updated kitchen can increase your home’s value by up to 10%. Bathroom remodels are another effective investment, with an average return on investment of 70%. Additional remodels that can increase property value include replacing outdated flooring, adding additional living space, and upgrading your HVAC system.  No matter what remodels you choose, remember to always consult with a professional before undertaking any major projects. Doing so can help ensure that your renovations are done properly and safely, increasing the value of your home in the long run.

The Limits of Remodels

While some remodels can increase property value, there are limits to what they can achieve. For example, if your home is already at the top of the local market, further remodels may not significantly increase its value. Local market conditions also have a large effect on how your home is valued. For example, if the local market is saturated with similar homes, remodels may not have as much of an impact on your property’s value. If you over-improve your property, you may not recoup the full cost of the remodel when you sell.  Remodeling a home can be expensive and time-consuming. It’s important to carefully weigh the costs and benefits before remodeling your house.

How to Make a Decision

Making the decision to remodel to increase property value requires careful consideration. Assess the local market conditions and determine if your property is already at the top of the market. Consider the cost of the remodel and how much value it’s likely to add. If the remodel is too expensive and will not add significant value, it may not be worth the investment. Consider how long you plan to stay in the home. If you plan to sell soon, a remodel may not be worth it. If you plan to stay in the home for several years, a remodel may make sense.

Remodeling your property can certainly increase its value, but it’s important to carefully consider the local market conditions and the limits of what a remodel can achieve. Kitchen and bathroom remodeling, updated flooring, additional living space, and upgraded HVAC systems are all effective remodels that can increase property value. Over-improving your property or investing in remodels that won’t significantly increase its value may not be worth the investment. By carefully considering your options and making an informed decision, you can determine if remodeling is the right choice for you.

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When it’s Time to Hire a Professional Contractor

Homeowners often grapple with the decision between undertaking a do-it-yourself project or hiring a professional contractor. While DIY projects can be satisfying, there are instances when calling in professionals is the smartest choice.

When You’re in Over Your Head

The first sign that it might be time to hire a professional contractor is when you’re in over your head. Home improvement projects can often seem simpler than they truly are. What starts as a quick weekend project can soon become a complicated task that takes up your time, energy, and resources. For instance, a painting job might appear straightforward. However, when dealing with surface preparation, color mixing, or different types of finishes, it can become complex. In such cases, hiring a professional painting contractor who understands the intricacies of the job can save you from unnecessary stress and potential mishaps.

When Preparing for a Sale

If you’re preparing your home for sale, it’s crucial to ensure that your house is in its best possible condition. Repairing issues that require immediate attention can help speed up the sale process. From minor cosmetic issues like a fresh coat of paint to more significant structural repairs, a professional contractor can ensure that everything is done correctly and efficiently. A well-maintained home can fetch a higher price, and cash buyers often prefer homes that require little to no immediate work. A contractor’s expertise can also help identify potential issues that you might have overlooked. Their involvement not only elevates the aesthetic appeal of your home but also reinforces buyers’ confidence in the property’s condition.

When You Want the Job Done Well

The quality of work is another significant factor to consider. If you want the job done well, hiring a professional contractor is often the best route. They have the necessary skills, knowledge, experience, and tools to execute the project to a high standard. For example, a professional painting contractor can ensure an even application, choose the right paint for different surfaces, and achieve a professional finish that is durable and visually appealing. They can also handle tasks like cabinet painting, which requires a particular skill set for a job well done.

There’s an undeniable peace of mind that comes with knowing a project is in the hands of a professional. They are equipped to handle unexpected issues that may arise, ensuring the end result meets your expectations.

The decision to hire a professional contractor is a valuable investment in your home. It’s about acknowledging when you’re in over your head, ensuring your home is sale-ready, and aiming for a job well done. The benefits of professional craftsmanship, efficiency, and expertise are worth considering before embarking on your next home improvement project.

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Where to Put Your Cars Without a Garage

When you don’t have a garage, it can be challenging to find a safe place to park your car. There are several options available for homeowners who are looking for a solution to this problem. We will explore some of the best places to park your car when you don’t have a garage.

Build a Carport

If you have the space, building a carport is a great way to provide your car with shelter from the elements. A carport is essentially a roofed structure that provides shade and shelter to your car. It can be attached to your house or freestanding and can be made from a variety of materials. A carport is a more affordable option compared to building a garage and is relatively easy to construct. Before beginning construction, it’s important to plan out the carport and make sure you have all the necessary materials. Start by measuring the size of your car and then determine how large the carport should be. Consider factors like any additional storage space you may need and if you need a roof or walls.

Park on the Street

One of the simplest options, when you don’t have a garage, is to park on the street. Many homeowners choose to park on the street because it is convenient and free. Park in well-lit areas or else you’ll make your car a target for thieves. Make sure to take appropriate security measures, such as locking your car doors and windows, and don’t leave any valuable items visible in the car.  It is important to also read up on-street parking regulations in your area, as some places may have specific rules and restrictions regarding when you can park and how long you can leave your car there. If necessary, make sure to purchase a parking pass or pay for a spot if it’s required. This will save you from any potential fines.

Use a Prefab Garage

If you want the security of a garage but don’t want to go through the trouble of building one from scratch, a prefab garage might be the solution for you. A prefab garage is a pre-built garage that is assembled on-site. Prefab garages come in a range of sizes, materials, and styles, and they can be customized to fit your needs. Prefab garages can be a more affordable option compared to building a garage from scratch.

When you don’t have a garage, there are several options available for you to park your car. Building a carport or using a prefab garage are great options for those who want the added security of a garage but don’t want to go through the hassle of building one from scratch. Parking on the street is a convenient and free option, but it is crucial to take appropriate security measures to keep your car safe. By considering these options, you can find a safe and convenient place to park your car when you don’t have a garage.

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Why You Should Consider Building a Larger Home

Why You Should Consider Building a Larger Home

When it comes to choosing the size of your home, there are various factors to consider. While some people prefer smaller, more manageable spaces, there are compelling reasons to consider building a larger home. From accommodating a growing family to providing space for aging parents and increasing storage options, a larger home can offer numerous benefits.

Plan for a Larger Family

One of the primary reasons to consider building a larger home is to plan for a growing family. If you have plans to expand your family or anticipate having children in the future, having adequate space is crucial. A larger home provides more bedrooms, bathrooms, and living areas, ensuring that everyone in the family has their own comfortable space. It allows for flexibility and adaptability as your family’s needs evolve over time. Building a larger home with future family growth in mind can save you from the hassle and cost of moving or renovating down the line.

Make Room for Your Aging Parents

Another compelling reason to consider a larger home is to make room for your aging parents. As parents grow older, they may require additional care and support. Building a larger home with separate living quarters or additional bedrooms and bathrooms can provide a convenient and comfortable space for them. This arrangement allows for greater independence while still maintaining close proximity to family. It’s essential to involve your parents in the decision-making process and prepare them for the change, as many seniors are emotionally invested in their homes.

Have More Places for Storage

Building a larger home provides the advantage of having more places for storage. As homeowners, we accumulate belongings over time, from furniture and appliances to sentimental items and seasonal decorations. A larger home offers additional closet space, cabinets, and even dedicated storage rooms, allowing you to keep your home organized and clutter-free. Having ample storage space also provides flexibility in adapting to changing needs, such as accommodating hobbies, collections, or home-based businesses. By building a larger home, you can avoid the frustrations of limited storage and ensure that everything has its place.

Building a larger home offers several advantages that can enhance your living experience. Whether you’re planning for a growing family, making room for aging parents, or simply seeking more storage options, a larger home provides the space and flexibility to meet your needs. It’s important to carefully consider your current and future requirements when making decisions about the size of your home.

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Trends That Are Growing in the Real Estate Market

The real estate market is constantly evolving, with new trends emerging every year. As a homeowner, it’s important to stay up-to-date on these trends in order to make informed decisions about buying, selling, or renovating a home. Here are three trends that are growing in the real estate market.

Virtual Tours

Virtual tours have become increasingly popular in the real estate market, especially in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. With virtual tours, potential buyers can view a property from the comfort of their own home, without the need for an in-person showing. Virtual tours are also a great option for out-of-town buyers who may not be able to travel to view a property in person. Real estate agents and sellers can use virtual tours to showcase a property’s best features and attract more potential buyers. Virtual tours are often interactive and provide a 3D view of the property. Buyers can navigate through the tour by scrolling, zooming in and out, or clicking on items to learn more about them. Virtual tours may also include additional information such as photos, videos, floor plans, and real estate market data.

Smart Homes

Smart homes are also growing in popularity. About half of the homes in the U.S. will be smart homes within the next two years. Modern smart homes are equipped with technology that allows homeowners to control various aspects of their home, such as lighting, temperature, and security systems, through a smartphone or other device. This technology implemented in your home offers increased convenience and energy efficiency, and can also boost a home’s resale value. Smart home technology is becoming increasingly more advanced, allowing homeowners to control their appliances and security systems remotely, as well as automate many of the tasks normally associated with home management.

Sustainable Construction

As homeowners and builders alike recognize the importance of reducing their carbon footprint sustainable construction is becoming increasingly popular in the real estate market. Sustainable construction involves using eco-friendly materials, reducing waste, and designing homes that are energy-efficient and environmentally friendly. These homes can offer lower utility bills, increased comfort and health benefits, and can even help reduce air and water pollution. Construction sustainability can include the use of recyclable and reusable materials, such as reclaimed wood or recycled steel. It also involves reducing energy consumption through efficient insulation, energy-efficient windows and lighting, and building designs that are optimized for natural light.

The real estate market is constantly changing, and staying up-to-date on the latest trends can help homeowners make informed decisions about buying, selling, or renovating a home. Virtual tours, smart homes, and sustainable construction are all growing trends in the real estate market that offer increased convenience, energy efficiency, and eco-friendliness. Whether you’re in the market for a new home or simply interested in the latest real estate trends, it’s important to stay informed and educated about the options available to you.

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