5 Tips & Ideas for Painting Your Child’s Bedroom

5 Tips & Ideas for Painting Your Child’s Bedroom

According to the Sleep Foundation, children need to sleep upwards of 17 hours depending on their age. You can learn more about that and see exactly how much sleep on the chart on the Sleep Foundation’s website.We all know the importance of sleep. Any parent or person who does not have a good night’s sleep knows it can cause tiredness, lack of focus, messing with our hunger cues, and increases the risk of accidents. And when your child is in their formative years when they are developing, sleep plays a crucial role in that process.

Kid’s Health does a nice job of summing up the importance of sleep. During sleep, the brain is hard at work organizing and storing information from the day, and the body is repairing itself. Sleep is an amazing process that is very important, so we should work to make the place our children will spend almost half, if not more, of their day a cool and comfortable place to stay. Plus, we want our children to enjoy time spent awake in their rooms, playing and being read, to a pleasurable one. Thus, we thought we would share some ideas and tips for painting your child’s room so it is one they love being in and will never forget.

Make it Thematic

As adults we probably can think back to our favorite childhood TV shows and super heros. It is likely your child has some of his or her own. Thus, turning your child’s room into something that represents their absolute favorite toy, show, or otherwise is a great way to make it a fun and warm place to sleep and play. Just like the image above, you can go to any length to create a room that rocks. You can paint scenes from a show, add the characters, and go all out, or you can use decals and posters that blend with the color you paint the room. The sky’s the limit.

Use Calming and Favorite Colors

Colors can have an effect on our mood. Red, for example, can convey aggression while blue can convey calm. Since you want your child’s room to be a place of peace, consider using neutral colors or colors that are friendly and calm. In addition, if your child has a favorite color, be sure to include that as well as it will make the room that much more special.

Wallpaper and More

This can be a great way to make a room feel fresh with ease, and it involves the child. You can put up pieces of wallpaper in strategic locations to give it a certain look. Or, if your child likes to draw on wall, you can use wall paper with a border around it. Even more, you can always put up paint that is erasable or a whiteboard for the child to draw on as well, which will make the room truly theirs.

3D Objects

Making a room with things coming out of the wall can make it an exciting place to be. You can add touches like a kite flying or a super hero’s cape coming out of the wall. This can add a wow factor to a room and make it really fun and bring out your child’s imagination.

Involve the Child

This is your child’s room after all, so involve them in the process. Ask them if you have correctly added their favorite things. Have them help you pick out colors and objects. Let them help paint some if they are old enough. Getting the child to buy into the creation process will help them take ownership over the room and make it truly theirs.

Think back to your childhood room and what you loved about it. You probably can think of at least one thing. That is the lasting impact a room has for a child. It is a memory that lasts forever. Plus, it helps them feel safe and sleep well when done right, which is important. To get more ideas or book a consultation to paint a child’s room, give us a call today!